

Graduate Student Research Award 2022

The Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) Graduate Student Research Awards assist graduate students conducting research in systematics.


These grants are for collection of preliminary data or to enhance dissertation research (e.g., by visiting additional field collection sites or museums). Applicants may be from any country, but must be members of SSB, and are advised to join the Society as soon as possible to enable their applications. Previous awardees may not re-apply, but previous applicants who were not selected for funding are encouraged to re-apply. Awards will range between $1000 - $3000 and can be used up to the end of the awardee's graduate studies. The rubric with which submissions will be evaluated is posted here.

We are collecting voluntary demographic data to keep a track record of who is applying for and receiving SSB awards. We are doing this so that the society can make data driven decisions on how to improve DEI as a whole. The collected data will not be used in evaluation of applications and will be anonymized for our long term DEI records.


Application open date
Oct 3, 2022, 00:00 AM America/New_York
Application close date
Nov 29, 2022, 09:45 AM America/New_York


Evaluation open date
Apr 14, 2023, 00:00 AM America/New_York
Evaluation close date
May 9, 2023, 12:59 PM America/New_York

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